Monday, May 4, 2015

4) Language Issues

My mind is in chaos right now because our time here is coming very rapidly to an end. This is crazy to think about because it felt like the first week end here was so long ago but there were so many great memories that have been made. Since we are over the peak and the time is a month less it has made me sad. Today’s blog however is going to be about language issues.
To begin with, I am no stranger to being in foreign countries and hanging around people at UNK that don’t speak so much English. One of the things here though that surprises me the most is there are people that speak English that are from here but I meet them in the most random places. One of the best English speakers I have met was a Mexican restaurant that was just a hole in the wall down some random Olomouc street.
               So of the hardest language issues I come across are in the restaurant that doesn’t have English on their menu and so it is always a lottery of what you might have for supper. I just close my eyes and choose something random.
               To be honest, being here has improved my Charades game tenfold. If I run into someone that can’t speak English I began to act out what I am trying to find or wanting. The people are always so kind in doing so they are there and want to help you. I am sad because I could maybe not say the same for foreign people that come to America not knowing any English.

               I am blessed to have been a native speaker of English. Beside Chinese, English is the most common language used around the world. The Erasmus students are students from all over Europe coming to Czech to study here. They all speak different languages but learn in English here. This has become very handy because I have been able to talk to people from around Europe and learn a few words spoken in their language. 

This weekend was a Mayday celebration that had live music in the Square. Jon and I had some good food there and listen to amazing music!

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